Tag Archive: peer counsellor

Peer counsellor training videos – The NANNIE Method

Trained in psychology, Bill has devoted a major portion of his career to treatment, training and program development in the field of sexually transmitted disease with a particular focus on HIV. Working in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia he has cultivated his craft in many different cultural settings.


In practice and in life, he combines frank realism with unflinching humanism.  He believes in people, whatever their particular circumstance, and their capacity to find their way.  Bill has developed keen sensitivities for authenticity and fairness.  He is alert to ways in which organizations and systems may exert power over individuals, or for that matter, how one individual may exercise power over another.  Fittingly, his model for peer counselling specifically address these issues.  His basic working premise is that when people feel safe, understood and supported, the will naturally enter into honest self-exploration and change.


He currently operates a private practice and lives in Vancouver providing counselling to clients as well as consultation and training to agencies and organizations.


Below are links to the four 15 min segments of the NANNIE Method peer counsellor training video:

The NANNIE Method – Part 1

The NANNIE Method – Part 2

The NANNIE Method – Part 3

The NANNIE Method – Part 4