Tag Archive: Gay Community

Using Crystal Meth; make sure it is a positive experience

The dangers of crystal meth in the gay community



Crystal meth is one of the most widely used drugs in the gay community. It is very seductive, cheap, and sexual. The drug creates a fun and uninhibited feeling and the cost is significantly cheaper than buying drinks in a bar. These are all factors of why the narcotic has become popular in use by the gay community.

However, there are many downsides of using crystal meth. Using crystal meth can:

  • take multiple days for the body to fully recover,
  • cause memory loss, heart conditions, or psychotic behaviour,
  • make it difficult to maintain an erection,
  • make it hard to reach orgasm,
  • lead to uninhibited and risky sexual situations,
  • create a false sense of happiness, and
  • become an addiction after the first use.

While crystal meth may be seen as some as a wonder drug, giving users the chance to feel like they are having a wonderful sexual experience, it can easily make people lose themselves by chasing the high to have the sex they think they are looking for. The drug psychologically seduces the user.

People who use crystal meth on a regular basis report that is has effected their job performance, social connections, financial position, and sex lives. The hunt for crystal meth fuelled sex marathons becomes the routine goal.

The difficulty in the situation is not knowing when the addiction has set it, to the point when crystal meth takes over your life. Guys can lose themselves easily and quickly. When firm boundaries are not set users are more susceptible to get lost and start heading down the slippery slope. It’s accepted that someone might go to work a bit hung over from the previous nights escapades, but crystal meth users aren’t able to do that.

Thankfully there are treatment programs for people who need help. Finding a program that is designed for gay men is important, to be able to share and support each other along the path to recovery

– See more at: http://www.thehomoculture.com/author/billcoleman/#sthash.izn6gr3H.fdaDSKhW.dpuf

Gay Nerds, A large part of the Gay Community

Gay geeks and nerds don’t get the proper recognition they deserve

IMG_4499Geeks and nerds are more common in the gay community than you think. Some people would never want to be in a room full of this crowd, some people happily blend in, and others are attracted like magnets. But the fact is, gay geeks and nerds are a cool part of the LGBT community.

Scruff, a gay slang dictionary, defines a gay nerd as: A gay man with deep and enthusiastic knowledge of one or more hobbies, sports, activities, professional fields, or intellectual pursuits.

The Urban Dictionary defines a gay nerd as: Though he wears glasses, neckties, and is always reading a book, Jack does have a sculpted face and chiseled abs. He’s the ultimate cute gay nerd.

The Random Geekings defines a gay geek as: One who is perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things including those of intellectuality, electronics, etc.

Who really makes up the gay community? The first types that come to mind are the muscle gays, the circuit sisters, the club kids, and the gaybours. But these types are just a small part of the gay community, and the ones who are most visible. The largest part of the community aren’t usually seen. However, it’s those who aren’t seen in the community, at the bars, and in the clubs, that you might find on the next sex-dating app.

Gay geeks and nerds don’t get the proper recognition they deserve. While some guys may not identify with being a geek or nerd, in social situations they will find themselves talking about their ideas, politics, or areas of keen interest. Very serious and in-depth discussions.

The community would look much different if it was accurately represented in the media, specifically the gay media. Most gay men are shy, socially awkward, and uncomfortable. However, many are overachievers too. Gay geeks and nerds enjoy discussions ideas more than the latest fashion trends. Most of them are not flamboyant or social butterflies, but they have a place in the community right alongside the muscle gays and party boys.

Most clubs and venues have fetish and theme nights. Perhaps it’s time to have a Geek and Nerd night, where its comfortable to talk about ideas and have the opportunity for hot sexual encounters. No, not a library or an Internet café. A real place where geeks and nerds can cruise and be cruised, enticed out to explore meeting others like themselves.

Gay Geeks and Nerds unite. Take back the community!

– See more at: http://www.thehomoculture.com/author/billcoleman/#sthash.izn6gr3H.fdaDSKhW.dpuf