Yearly Archive: 2014

Here is a good map showing who is more likely to be immune to HIV

Are  you Immune to HIV?



Where are you parents/ancestors from?









This map came from:

This map shows the percentage of people from each country who are immune to HIV.   13.7% of the population have the gene for immunity to HIV in Sweden, while 5.5 % have this gene in Italy.


If one parent has this CCR5 allele then a person is resistant to HIV, if both parents have the CCR5 gene then the offspring is “immune” to HIV.


Some people would like to know if they are “immune” or partially immune to HIV.

You can get tested to find out if you are immune to HIV at



People with two copies of the CCR5 delta32 gene (inherited from both parents) are virtually immune to HIV infection. This occurs in about 1% of Caucasian people. 

One copy of CCR5-delta32 seems to give some protection against infection, and makes the disease less severe if infection occurs. This is more common, it is found in up to 20% of Caucasians. 

Should everyone be tested for this mutation? Not necessarily. It would be dangerous to assume you are completely safe from infection if you have the CCR5-delta32 mutation.

It’s not an airtight guarantee of never getting AIDS. Some unusual types of HIV can use other proteins for entering cells. Rarely, there have been people who have two mutant CCR5 genes who have died from AIDS. 

Also, CCR5 is not the whole story of immunity to HIV infection. Some resistant people have been found who have two perfectly normal copies of CCR5. So other genes also contribute to slowing down HIV infection, and scientists are busy trying to identify them.

The above is from

Some interesting information on risk of HIV transmission

From: HIV Update <>
Date: Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:04 AM
Subject: Long-term HIV transmission risks – HIV update, 29 May 2014

Long-term HIV transmission risks

A group of American researchers have published an analysis which attempts to estimate the long-term risks of HIV being passed on within a couple.

This was a mathematical modelling study – in other words, it does not report new findings from a study of couples in the real world. Instead, modelling studies use previous research findings, assumptions and mathematical techniques to simulate a sequence of likely future events.

Their findings show that even if the risk of HIV being passed on during one sexual act is relatively small, the risk can accumulate over time for a couple who have sex regularly for a number of years.

The researchers wanted to get a rough idea of the long-term benefits and risks of using different methods to reduce the likelihood of HIV transmission. They were interested in couples where one person is HIV-positive and the other person HIV-negative, who were assumed to have penetrative sex six times a month.

For example, for an HIV-positive woman and HIV-negative man, who only have vaginal sex:

  • If no protective measures are taken, 6% risk of transmission after one year, which adds up to 44% after ten years.
  • If the negative partner takes pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), 2% risk after one year, 15% after ten years.
  • If condoms are used, 1% risk after one year, 11% after ten years.
  • If the positive partner takes HIV treatment, 0.2% after one year, 2% after ten years.
  • If condoms and PrEP are used, 0.3% after one year, 3% after ten years.
  • If condoms and HIV treatment are used, 0.05% after one year, 0.5% after ten years.
  • If condoms and PrEP and HIV treatment are used, 0.01% after one year, 0.1% after ten years.

The risks are much greater for couples who practise anal sex, whether they are heterosexual or gay. (The risk of HIV transmission during receptive anal sex is 18 times greaterthan that during vaginal sex).

For a gay male couple:

  • If no protective measures are taken, 52% risk after one year, which adds up to 99.9% after ten years.
  • If the negative man takes PrEP, 34% risk after one year, 98% after ten years.
  • If condoms are used, 13% risk after one year, 76% after ten years.
  • If the positive man takes HIV treatment, 3% after one year, 25% after ten years.
  • If condoms and PrEP are used, 8% after one year, 59% after ten years.
  • If condoms and HIV treatment are used, 1% after one year, 6% after ten years.
  • If condoms and PrEP and HIV treatment are used, 0.3% after one year, 3% after ten years.

Some mathematical models that we have reported on in the past could be criticised for being based on unrealistically optimistic assumptions. This one can be criticised for including some rather pessimistic assumptions.

In particular, the estimates for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and condoms assume that people who plan to use them don’t always manage to. Both PrEP and condoms are likely to be much more effective when they genuinely are used consistently.

The figures produced are rough estimates and there is much that scientists can debate. Nonetheless, the study brings to light four key points:

  • A small risk of transmission in a single act of sex translates into a much larger risk during a sexual relationship that lasts several years.
  • The risks of transmission through anal sex, especially in the long term, are much greater than through vaginal sex.
  • Current research shows that effective HIV treatment provides more protection than other strategies, including condoms.
  • The safest strategy is to use several prevention methods in combination, such as HIV treatment, PrEP and condoms.

Gay Men, Sex(uality) and Crystal Meth Use

Matters of Substance

Centre for Addictions Research of BC at the University of Victoria


Gay Men, Sex(uality) and Crystal Meth Use

Drugs are people substitutes, people are drug substitutes¹

As a counsellor I prefer the term “drug use” rather than “addiction.” For many, addiction implies “bad behaviour” and can foster stigma and disempowerment for drug using individuals. One of the main characteristics of counselling is acceptance without judgment, especially when talking about sex with drugs. People use drugs for a reason, often to meet unfulfilled needs. Crystal meth was the most used illicit drug in the gay community during the 90s and early 2000s. While I am not an addictions specialist, about half of the gay men I see for therapy have current or past history of crystal meth problems. A common reason for gay men to use crystal meth relates to social and sexual inhibition and lack of connection to people.

Aspects of gay male subculture are dominated by sex. Within any medium size community, gay men can find sex within 10 minutes via phone apps. While such “hook-ups” frequently result in sexual release, they often do not meet their emotional needs. Many gay men struggle and cope with feelings of being different, or may have experienced various forms of abuse, and therefore question if they are lovable. Crystal may temporarily help users feel free of judgment, facilitate emotional connection with others and provide great pleasure with sexual partners.Crystal can also partially fulfill one’s sexual needs or fantasies, (i.e. engaging in “pig sex”), that otherwise might never be explored due to internal and/or external inhibitions. With reflection and support, these men often identify their desire for connectedness as the most important aspect of being high. Many report that without crystal, sex is boring because they are inhibited and cannot emotionally connect.

Crystal meth is not the problem but the symptom: the symptom of being unable to be free and spontaneous and therefore cannot connect with others. Thus, the primary goal of therapy is not to stop crystal use, but rather to assist the person in acquiring the skills needed to have uninhibited, drug-free and meaningful sex while feeling more connected with partners. This approach may require the therapist to be sexually open and sensitive to these topics in order to assist gay men to more intimately explore their sexual feelings and needs. As counsellors we need to lay the foundations of a nurturing therapeutic relationship that refrains from labels and judgments that disempower a person.  It seems with gay men and crystal use that, truly “drugs are people substitutes,” and with support, ideally “people can become drug substitutes.”


Author: Bill Coleman, counsellor

Biography: Most of Bill’s career has been working with criminals, primarily sexual criminals. He also works in the area of sexual health. Much of his work here has been with gay men at BC Centre for Disease Control, and many years in private practice.  He has also written for the LGBT newspaper, Xtra, on gay men and health.

¹  (Blachly, 1970) Seduction: A Conceptual Model in the Drug Dependencies and Other Contagious Ills, Paul H. Blachly, M.D., 1970, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois

Why would you want to know if you are immune to HIV?

Why would you want to know if you are immune or partially immune to HIV?

Most gay men will know someone who has lots of unsafe sex but they are still negative it is likely because they are immune to HIV.   There are also lots of people who have been HIV positive for along time but are relatively healthy, these people are likely partially immune.

IF both your parents have the gene (CCR5) to make one immune to HIV then you will be immune.  IF one of your parents has the gene (CCR5) then you  will be partially immune to HIV.


IF YOU ARE HIV NEGATIVE – you may want to know you are immune because:

You can find out if you are immune to HIV or partially immune to HIV but getting a simple swab of your mouth.  The results will tell you if you are unlikely to become HIV + (partially immune), or if you will almost certainly will not become HIV+.  This knowledge may help you to have less anxiety about sex or some people may decide to have risker sex.

If one is partially immune then you will be a slow progresser, then the HIV virus will not have the same effect on you as someone who is not partially immune.


The immunity comes from not having receptors that allow the virus to enter the body.  One who is partially immune has fewer receptors so becoming infected is lessened and if one does get infected the disease will progress more slowly.


IF YOU ARE HIV POSITIVE – you may want to know you are immune because:

You will know if you are a slow progresser.   You may want to take less HIV medication to keep your viral load suppressed.  You may have peace of mind that you are not so likely to get sick from HIV.

A company called delta-32 will sell you the test to find out if you are immune to HIV.   Their website gives a lot of interesting information on HIV immunity.

Their website is:

Where to get tested for immunity to HIV/Who is immune to HIV?  This website will now give  you the test for HIV immunity.

The map below show where people are most likely to be immune to HIV.


The delta 32 mutation is more prevalent in some racial backgrounds than in others. Population studies of the Caucasian population of western European ancestry revealed that approximately 1% of people were homozygous (2 copies) for the delta 32 mutation and up to 20% of people were heterozygous (1 copy). Within the United States, Canada and Australia, the frequency is 8% to 10% within the Caucasian background individuals, but less than 1% in the Afro-American populations. There is also a very low frequency of the mutation among the population in eastern Asia but much higher towards western Asia.

Achieving great gay sex with a partner



This questionnaire is for couples who wish to explore improving their sex together.

Single guys can use this to better understand their sexual interests and then become more assertive in finding the sex they like.


It is best to fill this form out separate from your partner(s).  Try to be a through as possible in your answers.  If you need more space you can write on the margins or on other paper. Think of statements like: “I like it when you…”, or “I would like you to ….”, or “I would like to …….”.  Try to think as creatively as possible, and be as open as possible.  When you answer these questions please talk about what you would like from your partner(s) and what you want to experience/do with him/them.

Then get together with your partner(s) and discuss your answers.

These are the following categories you are asked to write your feelings about.

Kissing                                                  Hugging Holding                              Fondling/Groping

Body Touching                                  Nipple Play                                        Butt Play

Balls                                                      Cock                                                      Ass Hole

Cum                                                       Toys                                                       Fetish                                                  

SM                                                         Porn                                                      Drugs                                                   

Fisting                                                  Threesomes (+)                                                Talking during sex                          

Bath Houses/Parks, etc.               Open Relationship                          Sexual Hang-ups                             




I like it when you :  stick your tongue deep in my mouth.

I would like more:  of the times you gently bite on my lower lip, it is nice.

 I kind of like/maybe like: kissing you hard and long

I don’t/not sure I like:  You spitting in my mouth, kissing in public

Other comments: I worry about me having bad breath sometimes.



When we are kissing together, I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






HUGGING/HOLDING (non-sexual touching)

When we are hugging/holding each other I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






FONDLING/GROPING/CUDDLING (sexual touching, through clothes)

(for example: crotch touching, ass grabbing/patting, nipple tweaking etc.)

When we are fondling/groping each other I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






BODY TOUCHING/CUDDLING  – No clothing (sexual/sensual body touching, and/or cuddling)

(For example:  touching rubbing back/legs/face/hands etc, etc.)

When we are touching each other’s naked bodies I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________





(For example: touching, licking, sucking intensity, etc.)

When we play with each other’s nipples I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________





BUTT PLAY: (not ass-hole)

(For example grabbing, touching, slapping etc.)

When we touch/play with each other butts I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






(For example: touching, pulling, licking, slapping etc.)

When we are touching each other’s balls I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________







(For example: touching, stroking, sucking, licking, slapping etc.)

When we are playing with each other’s cock I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________





(For example: rimming, fucking, harder/longer/more often, clean, fingering, dildos, etc.)

When we are playing with each other’s ass hole I like:

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________







I have the following feelings about cum:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: _ _______________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________





(For example:  dildos, electro, nip clamps, etc.)

I like it when you: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more: ______________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t/not sure I like: ___________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






I have some interest in exploring the following fetishes:

I have the following fetishes I would like to explore/talk about: (for example:  leather, boots, jockstraps, water sports, scat, etc.)

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: ________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________







I would like to maybe explore some of these things:

I would talk about/explore the follow “SM” stuff:   (For example:  being tied up, tying you up, whips, paddles, wax, slapping, edging etc.)

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: _______________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________





I have the following feelings about Porn:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: ________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________








(For example:  Poppers, Marijuana,  E, Crystal Meth, Alcohol, etc.)

I have the follow feelings about sex and drugs together:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: _______________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






I have the following feelings about fisting/fingering:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: ________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






Threesomes (and 4 and 5 etc.)

I have the following feelings about threesomes and 4 and 5 etc.:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like:  _______________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________








I have the following feelings about bath houses:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: ________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






Talking during sex play

(for example: “that feels good”, “harder”, “I love you…” or name calling)

I would like to be able to say/express the following things when we are having sex.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I would like you to say/express the following things when we are having sex.  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






I have the following feelings about an open relationship:

I am very interested in: __________________________________________________________________

I am curious about: _____________________________________________________________________

I kind of like/maybe like: ________________________________________________________________

I don’t think I would like: ________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ______________________________________________________________________






(For example: losing erection when I fuck, dirty ass hole, too shy, to horny, cum to soon, etc. etc.)








Other things not covered:


Gay men and Sex(uality) and Drug Use

Gay men and Sex(uality) and drug use
Drugs are people substitutes – People are drug substitutes 1

When most people talk about drug use and sex, they think of addiction. So I should preface my comments on this subject with my take on “addiction”. First of all “addiction” is not a word I use. I believe that when people use the word addiction they are only describing what they see as “bad behaviour”. We have many repetitive behaviours that we do daily and perhaps compulsively but the word addiction would not be used to describe these behaviours. Some examples of such behaviours may be: I may wish to kiss my partner every day or a few times a day and have a negative feeling if it does not happen, I may like to cuddled daily, I may enjoy a few glasses of cold water daily etc. Often when the term “addiction” is used it seems to only provide a way of describing behaviour one is critical of, the label of addiction is not helpful and does not add to understanding.
Beginning a counselling relationship without acceptance and disempowering ( an individual is a poor way to begin a counselling relationship. ( ) One of the main characteristics of counselling is acceptance without judgment. ( Starting counselling with a label describing the person as engaging in bad behaviour can be counterproductive. This is especially true when it is implied that “the person has no control over their behaviour.
People use drugs for a reason. There is an emotional need that is being met by the drug that is being used. Given this, the best way to begin to help an individual is to explore what they get out of using the drug. The next step is to help them to find other ways of meeting those emotional needs that more fully rewarding.
One drug that is popular with many gay men is Chrystal Meth. ( ) For some of those gay men crystal meth use can be problematic. Therefore without judgment I begin to explore with gay men what emotional needs does crystal meth allow him to satisfy. It often becomes apparent that most gay guys will use crystal meth to allow them to be the “sex pig” ( that they would like to be, but do not allow themselves to explore without drugs. I was once asked to do a workshop on “Pig Sex” ( ) . (Pig sex, is like pigging out at a Christmas dinner – that is eating too much, and a bit of everything.) The main point that came out of this workshop was: “We may not have the same kinks, but I know I will not be judged”. This lack of judgment allowed for a freedom in “pigging out”. Many gay guys have sexual needs/fantasies that they cannot fulfill without crystal meth. The use of that drug allows a person to explore many aspects of sexuality that may not be explored without some drug use, due to of internal and/or external inhibitions. It follows then that part of the motivation for crystal meth use may be because of sexual inhibition, and fear of judgment. If this true, than the goal is to help him to become less sexually inhibited, and be free to explore his sexual desires, without the problems caused by drug use. (I would suggest the therapist also must NOT be sexually inhibited.)
In addition many gay guys who use crystal meth are often looking for a feeling of being emotionally connected (at least for the moment) with the other guy(s). Many gay men grow up denying their sexual and emotional feelings. This denial of sexual and emotional feelings often happens because as the gay guy is growing up he will often have feeling of being different than other boys, of “not belonging”, and also questioning if they are lovable if parents and others knew they were gay. This sense of separation, being different, and questioning if they are lovable has a profound on most gay men.
Given that crystal meth allows a gay man to achieve feelings of connectedness, sexual openness and a feeling of freedom from judgment, it is not surprising that many gay men would be attracted to use crystal meth. Many gay men find great pleasure in what crystal meth can bring them. It is only because crystal meth is meeting these deep personal needs of a gay man that he uses this drug again and again and again. Often crystal meth users do not know of another way to feel sexually free and emotionally connected. Therefore, the goal is not, to stop crystal meth use, but to find ways to be sexually uninhibited and emotionally connected with other gay men. Stopping or reducing crystal meth use may be a byproduct of a happier more fulfilled life.
Craig Sloane reports that “By using gay affirmative treatment,” and “Promote self-acceptance, create safe and non-judgmental environments. We have to set up treatments that don’t pathologize gay sex.” ( )
Counsellors need to begin laying the foundations of a nurturing therapeutic relationship that refrains from labels and judgments that disempower a person. The therapist must recognize that drug use is meeting a person needs. Explore those needs and seek alternative ways of meeting those needs if drug use if problematic.

1. (Blachly, 1970) Seduction: A Conceptual Model in the Drug Dependencies and Other Contagious Ills, Paul H. Blachly, M.D., 1970, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois


Most of my career has been working with criminals, and much of that with sexual criminals, I also work in the area of sexual health.  Much of my work has been with gay men at BC Centre for Disease Control, and in private practice.  I wrote a column in the local gay newspaper, Xtra, on gay men and health.  I tend to see the “problem behaviour that is presented” as the symptom,  (for example:  Sex, drug use, violence etc.) the goal is to discover what are the many facets that are pushing that behaviour.  Gay men have generally grown up emotionally alone, afraid of discovery, being taunted-bullied or teased with a constant fear of rejection from parents, family, friends, and classmates, this provides a unique obstacles later in life. (For more info: